Each country has particular system of judicial institutions. The aim of this writing is to find out differences and similarities between English and Lithuanian system of courts.
English system of courts is quite difficult.It is important to say that the highest institution of courts is Hose of Lords, its decisions bind all other courts. The lower instance is Court of appeal ,divided into Criminal and Civil Divisions. Next is the High Court divided into divisions too.There are Chancery Division which hears cases of trust property , Family Division deals with family matters ,and Queen’s Bench Division hears cases of public law,also it is appellate institution for lower courts‘ decisions. Also there are the Crown Court (deals with criminal matters) and Count Court (deals with civil matters) .And the lowest is Magistrate Court,which is concerned with criminal and some civil cases.
The main similarities to Lithuanian system of courts are:there are hierarchical structure of courts in both countries.Secondly,Courts of Appeal and High Court have same functions,and take high place in courts‘ hierarchy.Thirdly,trials are public- people can watch it,but they can‘t do influence on trial,if they aren‘t wtiness.At last,there are division into civil and public in Lithuanian courts too.
The main diferences are:there aren‘t jury in Lithuania ;secondly.there isn‘t Conctitutional Court in England;thirdly ,English courts are specelized in civil or criminal cases only,In Lithuania one court ,for instance, Distric Court deals with criminal and civil matters too.
In conclusion,English judicial system are much older then Lithuanian are.The system and traditions are old and well-established in United Kingdom.It will take some time to reach similar results in Lithuania and to fill gaps in judicial system.
2 komentarai:
It was interesting for me to read your writing and easier to understand when there are a picture of english court system. Good luck in writings! :)
Yours essay about judicial institutions in United Kingdom and Lithuania is very Interesting and clear. The scheme of United Kingdom juditial institutions was very helpful for better understanding.
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