2007 m. lapkričio 18 d., sekmadienis

My future profession

I am studying at Mykolo Romerio university.My speciality is Law and penitentiary activity.Actually,I have never thought about studying law before my exams.I , my family and friends thought that I will study photography or graphic art ,or something like that.But now I am here and I think my speciality is enough interesting.

I and my study mates don‘t know about our speciality very much.But I think it is difficult and hard speciality.Person ,who want work in this area should be strong nerves, self-possessed ,responsible and interested in such problems like prisoners’ socialization, crimes rate reduction ,situation in prisons amendment and etc. On purpose to do this, member of this profession must know law very well. So it is one of the most important our study’s part.

We are trained to work in prison or other correctional institutions, but we will be able to work as lawyer too. In my opinion there are lot of perspectives to do a career .Furthermore , there are lot of abilities to rise a qualification in Lithuania and abroad too. Sure, not all of as will work in this area in future.

Today we all are full of hope that we all will end this university and will end it well. But maybe one of as will leave it for various reason .I am not sure for my decision too. So I don’t know how long I will study here. Maybe I will choose other studies in other university ,maybe not. .But now the most important thing for all of as is to pass our first exams well.

4 komentarai:

gsakalauskiteg rašė...

I have just read a composition about the future profession's wishes of Ausra. It was very interesting and atractive. She expressed her opinion about the subject which she study and her wishes about the future clearly and properly. I remarked that she has some doubts of her decision to study law, so I wish her to find out what she really wants in her life!
There are some little mistakes in this text,but they are not very noticeable.

apiskinaite rašė...

It was very interesting to read you minds about yours future profesion, especialy that I am studying it myself, so I have what to think about after reading yours.
Moreover yours composition is easy to read, because the stucture is very clear.

R. Žėkaitė rašė...

It was really great satisfaction to read this composition due to variety of reasons. Firsty, thoughts and ideas before entering to university and after, make this composition extremely interesting. Secondly, it gives a lot of information about law and penitentiary work and perspectives after graduating. Finally, now I know more about Ausra wishes and worries.

Inga rašė...

This composition was quite interesting. I am surprised that Ausra wanted to study other profesion. I have noticed some mistakes but there aren't big. I would like to wish her to find a right desicion in the future:to chose that profesion what she wants.