2007 m. gruodžio 5 d., trečiadienis
Summary of ,,Criminal law"
different countries.
The most important elements of a crime are Actus Reus(the criminal act itself) and Mens Rea (person's state of mind when he commited the act).The main points ,which the court must find out are:was the crime commited malice aforethought ,was the act a substantial couse of result.A defendant has right to defence -to try prove that the crime was commited under duress ,or of self-defences,or that defendant is insane.A convicted person can expect migitation of sentence.
Criminal law quickly develops in order to coincide present-day society's demands.
2007 m. lapkričio 18 d., sekmadienis
Amnesty International
All people want that other members of society would respect his/her dignity and rights.Today all of as know that there are human rights,rights of citizens,rights by nature, which should be protected by laws and laws‘ safety institutions.Unfortunately,but there are countries ,where human rights security is very poor.These rights are violated in various lifes‘ spheres in democratic countries too
Amnesty International is independent worldwide movement ,of which basic aim is that all people would enjoy human rights world over.It‘s mission is act against abuse of the rights and discrimination,fight for freedom of concience and expresion. Amnesty International was founded in July 1961 by Peter Beneson an English lawyer. Amnesty International has about 2.2 million members, supporters and subscribers in over 150 countries and territories in every region of the world today. Amnesty International members have different, experiences, political religious beliefs.
There is Amnesty International Council of this organization,where are taken major decisions. Amnesty International urges all governments to observe the rule off law and implement human right standarts.It stimulate other member of society to do same.The International Council consists of members the International Excutive Committee and of representatives of this organization selection and structure.It must meet at interval of not more than two years.The International Council promts worldwide discution about issue like inhumane treatment with prisoners,death penalty problam,sexsual ,racial , religious discrimination, trade in humane beings,child abuse, rights of refugees, migrants and asylum seekers. The International Council publishes reports from all the World.This year ( 2006 ) report could find http://thereport.amnesty.org/eng/Download-the-Report .There are mention two big problems in Lithuania. It is- trade in humane beings,on purpose sexual exsploitation,and prisoners‘ conditions in Lithuanian prisons.
Amnesty International takes more and more members.This organization motivates millions of people to build a better world.
Summary of "Never again"
Capital punishment is the most cruel punishment. There are various opinion about it in the World.
The main arguments for it are: fear of death can be prevention for murders; society would be safer; murders should get what they deserve; murders live in prison from taxpayers’ money. The arguments against capital punishment ''say'': statistic showed that fear of death didn’t reduce murders rate; there are people ,who are wrongly convicted; nobody can take a life ,even state; Christian religion is against death penalty.
The reintroduction of capital punishment is one of the most negotiable question nowadays .There are countries ,where it is acted (in the
My future profession
I am studying at Mykolo Romerio university.My speciality is Law and penitentiary activity.Actually,I have never thought about studying law before my exams.I , my family and friends thought that I will study photography or graphic art ,or something like that.But now I am here and I think my speciality is enough interesting.
I and my study mates don‘t know about our speciality very much.But I think it is difficult and hard speciality.Person ,who want work in this area should be strong nerves, self-possessed ,responsible and interested in such problems like prisoners’ socialization, crimes rate reduction ,situation in prisons amendment and etc. On purpose to do this, member of this profession must know law very well. So it is one of the most important our study’s part.
We are trained to work in prison or other correctional institutions, but we will be able to work as lawyer too. In my opinion there are lot of perspectives to do a career .Furthermore , there are lot of abilities to rise a qualification in Lithuania and abroad too. Sure, not all of as will work in this area in future.
Today we all are full of hope that we all will end this university and will end it well. But maybe one of as will leave it for various reason .I am not sure for my decision too. So I don’t know how long I will study here. Maybe I will choose other studies in other university ,maybe not. .But now the most important thing for all of as is to pass our first exams well.